Covid-19 Day 1-3

Technically, Monday was Day 1, but I'm just starting this blog (it's Thursday) so I'll try to do some catch up posts to get on the correct timeline! Monday-Day 1 So, as of Friday we were supposed to go to work on Monday. Suddenly, on Sunday night we get a phone message that work is closed for 4 weeks and we have two hours (8-10am) to come pick up anything we need. Next morning, mad scramble to get to at least 3 of my work sites (I work in a school district and serve 7 schools with my job) to pick up things I can take and work on from home. It was all very surreal trying to get to work before they locked the doors and we couldn't get in anymore. By the time I got it all done and got home, I needed a nap! Then I got called in early for a medical appointment I had--kind of a blessing. When I got there I had to take my temp and wear a mask the whole time, but better safe than sorry! What a way to start your Monday! Good luck everyone--stay safe and of course wash your hands! Tuesday-Day 2 Today feels even more surreal. Got up without setting the alarm. So, I woke up about 10 minutes "after" I'm supposed to be at work. I struggle in the mornings with the alarm, so actually waking up without an alarm when the suns coming up or my body just naturally wants to wake up is kind of nice. (Okay, it's great!) I ended up cooking a full breakfast on a work day-so weird. Waffles, turkey bacon, eggs with veggies and herbs. It was really nice and healthy-no mad dash to McDonald's for an egg McMuffin or breakfast burrito for once. I ended up doing some Yoga with Adriene on YouTube and that was a nice start to the day. YouTube can actually be educational and during this time of self-quarantine (I don't have the virus, but basically the government has closed my work for 4 weeks or at least suggested we do that, so we are all hanging out in our houses trying to keep working online, communicate, and keep busy). I spent the afternoon making some gluten-free, dairy free homemade clam chowder based on this recipe. It was delicious (though my husband wouldn't say it was better than his mom's Manhattan clam chowder) and I was so happy to be able to have time to cook from scratch, make something healthy and relatively low sodium, and also something my husband really liked. So that was a covid-19 positive for the day. After all the exercise and running around cooking, I got a little tired. It happens-I am like a roller coaster with my energy levels because I have a medical condition that effects my hemoglobin levels which in turn effects my energy levels. So, I felt bad I didn't get crazy cleaning the living room like I wanted or organizing my work stuff, but instead spent the evening reading a mystery, knitting, watching some Amazon Prime and then going to bed at an actual, no kidding regular bedtime--so more like 9/10pm instead of midnight. This might be doable. Wednesday-Day 3 Today was a bit stressful. I did not sleep well (I toss and turn a lot) so my neck was kind of messed up. Is my chiropractor closed for 2-4 weeks? I guess I'll have to call and find out! Got up to check work email and make breakfast. Nothing fancy this time, just some cream of wheat-so healthy, but boring. Need to figure out how to jazz it up with more than just cinnamon. I got called to go in to my medical appointment early, so figured I might as well. I had to wear a face mask for 4 hours, but that's nothing compared to all the techs and nurses who have to glove, mask all day long. Today was a little different-right when you walked in there was a tech sitting there waiting to take your temp, give you a mask, and fill out travel/have you been exposed to anyone with covid-19 questions. Otherwise, it was business as usual. I did notice when I left that there was a bit more traffic than there was when I went out on Monday. It was around 4pm, so that could be just regular "going home" traffic, but it still wasn't as busy as it usually is for a weekday. I got home and I don't know, I felt discombobulated and crabby (probably because I was tired and hungry) so I tried to eat a cup of soup and ended up snapping at my husband, so basically it was time to try to just go off and read/take a nap and hopefully feel better about the world afterwards. Which is basically what happened. I took a much needed nap, woke up around 8pm and then phoned a friend in New York to see how she was doing and how things were going there. The same as here, but more so: we talked about getting devices/computers into the hands of kids for learning, restaurant and bar closings or having to go to take out, and whether New York was going to enforce a travel ban/more restrictions. How quickly our world/conversations have changed in the space of a few weeks. After we finished talking, I got up and ate a sandwich and watched the 2nd part of "The Pale Horse" on Amazon Prime. If you can-watch it; Rufus Sewell is super dishy in it. I still feel frustrated that I am kind of doing this or that and not on a real schedule. My one school has started a walking challenge online, so I need to get onto a schedule for that-walk x miles or minute a day. It's just for fun, but something to do and it keeps you motivated to exercise while at home. As for day 3, let's just say it was a bit more stressful and tomorrow is a new day. Always something new to hope for and like I tell my students, every day is a new day-new opportunities and new choices.
