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Covid-19 Day 1-3

Technically, Monday was Day 1, but I'm just starting this blog (it's Thursday) so I'll try to do some catch up posts to get on the correct timeline! Monday-Day 1 So, as of Friday we were supposed to go to work on Monday. Suddenly, on Sunday night we get a phone message that work is closed for 4 weeks and we have two hours (8-10am) to come pick up anything we need. Next morning, mad scramble to get to at least 3 of my work sites (I work in a school district and serve 7 schools with my job) to pick up things I can take and work on from home. It was all very surreal trying to get to work before they locked the doors and we couldn't get in anymore. By the time I got it all done and got home, I needed a nap! Then I got called in early for a medical appointment I had--kind of a blessing. When I got there I had to take my temp and wear a mask the whole time, but better safe than sorry! What a way to start your Monday! Good luck everyone-- stay safe and of course wash your

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